Monday, March 30, 2009

LASIK Surgery - How To Prepare Before Going Under The Laser

After coming to the decision to improve your eye sight through the LASIK Vision Correction procedure, there are a few steps to help ease you, and your eyes, through the weeks, days, and day of the surgery.

These pre-LASIK, Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis, steps will need to be followed not only to help the process along, but also to protect your sight; this all begins with the pre-LASIK Eye Examination, to first evaluate the patients viability as a LASIK candidate.

Pre-LASIK Eye Exam

In the distant pre-surgery phases, the pre-LASIK eye examination helps the doctor gauge the patient as a candidate for the LASIK procedure. This exam consists, mainly, of six parts that seek to evaluate if the patients ocular curvature is conducive to the procedure (unstable curvature can result in tears and vision problems post surgery).

Also, the eyes dryness is measured; LASIK always causing temporary dryness, but patients with chronic dry eyes may have problems with the surgery. The initial exam should include:
• Dilated exam to check for ocular irregularities

• Refractive error measurement

• Pupil and corneal thickness measurements

• Corneal topography map

• Tear function analysis

• Discussion of medical history, lifestyle, and expectations

Weeks before the LASIK Procedure
The success or failure of the LASIK surgery is dependant on the shape or curvature of the cornea, as earlier mentioned. Because the wearing of contact lens reshapes your eye to the desired wearer’s prescription, this affects the corrective shape, refractive error, of the eye for LASIK. The guidelines for wearing contact lens’ pre-LASIK vision correction surgery are as follows:

• No wearing of soft contact lenses for at least two weeks before to LASIK surgery

• No wearing of gas permeable contact lenses for at least three weeks prior to LASIK surgery

• No wearing of hard contact lenses for at least four weeks prior to LASIK surgery.
Day before the LASIK Procedure
The day prior to surgery, patients should follow three guidelines before going forth with the LASIK vision correction surgery:
• Stop using any makeup, lotions, perfumes, or creams that may cause unwanted particles to get into the eye.

• Patients should arrange post-surgery transportation as it may take several days to adjust to the change in their vision.

• Surgeons may request patients thoroughly wash their eyes to prevent any chance of infection.

Day of the LASIK Procedure

If you are not feeling well the morning of your surgery, notify the doctor’s office to determine if the procedure needs to be postponed. Before visiting the surgeon, eat a light meal and remember not to wear any make up or apply any lotion, perfumes, or creams or clothing that might interfere with the surgeon’s ability to move or navigate during the operation.

There will be another measurement of the eye taken the day of the surgery, to make sure the eye meets the curvature requirements taken prior. The LASIK surgeon will go over the details of the operation again, covering the points of the operations and informing you, and who you are with, about the requirements of the surgery. Anesthetic and possibly anti-anxiety medication will then be administered.

Having any operation is a daunting task, however following these guidelines will help the process of obtaining better vision through LASIK surgery as painless as possible.

T. McCracken is an individual & independent publisher of popular surgery research. He has visited many cities across America seeking the best eye surgery information possible. To see his finding, check out his blogs, Dallas Lasik Surgery Quest & Houston Eye Surgery.

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Blepharoplasty and Brow Lift Surgery Questions Answered

Do you have difficulty seeing because of sagging eyelids? Do you think your eyebrows are down at your ankles? Simple surgical procedures can fix those problems and give you a more refreshed look. Blepharoplasty (eyelid reshaping surgery) and brow lift surgery can be used to help removed excess skin, reposition the brow, and give the face a brighter, more awake look. In this segment, questions about blepharoplasty and brow lift will be answered.

What is a blepharoplasty?

According to Stedman's medical dictionary, blepharoplasty is defined as any operation for the correction of a defect in the eyelids. This can refer to either upper or lower eyelid surgery. Generally, lower eyelid blepharoplasty is to correct excess skin of the lower eyelid or bags under the eyes. Upper eyelid surgery as well is to correct excess skin of the upper eyelid but in doing so can also correct loss of vision because of the excess skin.

What is a brow lift?

Brow lift surgery aims to replace the brow in a more natural position. Over time, the brow and soft tissues of the forehead descend. This descent can interfere with vision and cause the eyes to have a tired look. With elevation of the brow, the soft tissues are repositioned, vision can be improved, and the tired look resolved.

Does insurance cover these procedures?

Some insurance will cover one or both procedures if there is interference with vision. To determined this, a special test called a visual field test must be performed by an optometrist or ophthalmologist. Medicare will even cover the procedures in certain circumstances. Consultation with an ophthalmologist, plastic surgeon, or facial plastic surgeon can help to determine if you are a good candidate for the procedures.

What is the recovery time after surgery?

Recovery depends on the type of surgery performed. Again, a trained and qualified surgeon can help to describe the procedure and give you an idea of recovery time. Most patients can resume normal activities with minimal limitations in 1-2 weeks. Each person is different and consultation with a physician is necessary to determine what activity restrictions are necessary.

For more information about blepharoplasty in Dallas, eyelid surgery, visual field deficits, or droopy eyebrows, visit Dr. Verret on the web at

Dr. Verret is a facial plastic surgeon in the north Dallas suburb of Plano, TX. He is board certified in Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery and fellowship trained in facial plastic and reconstructive surgery. He specializes only in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery of the face and neck. His practice includes surgical and non-surgical techniques including Botox, Juvederm, facial fillers, acne scar revision, rhinoplasty (nasal reshaping), blepharoplasty, facelift, eyelift, brow lift, and hair restoration. For more information be sure to visit him on the web or call for an appointment at 972.608.0100.

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